I wish I knew where creativity comes from. People ask me how I come up with my ideas and I really don't know. I wish I did. I wish I could tap into it whenever I wanted to, but I am a slave to my ideas. They control me and sometimes they come weeks before a shoot and sometimes the night before (like this one). But they are very dependent on me seeing the person. I'm not the type of photographer who envisions the model and then goes searching for them. My shoots are very much geared towards the person I am shooting. People spark ideas in me. This shoot, LiiLii wanted to work with her bunny. Fantastic! I've been looking at her pictures for the last two days. I study them to get a feel for her and what she will be comfortable with.
This shoot was lined up for weeks. I was suppose to drive to Baltimore to shoot there, but right before the shoot we decided LiiLii would drive to Alexandria instead. Well, that put a little more control in my court. And I wasn't prepared. So I ask my coworkers, "What kind of setting should I put a model and her bunny in?" Hey, I'm not too proud to take the ideas of others! Someone suggests bunny ears for the model. I think that could be interesting. So I'm off to the party store right before Halloween. Yippee. It so happens that my party store is right next to my grocery store. So I'm driving and singing some goofy old Elvis song when I think about the grocery store and then carrots pop into my head. Bunnies, carrots - it seems logical. And since I love to make jewelry out of food, I think jewelry necklace and she'll be holding the bunny. Wouldn't it be cool if the bunny was eating the necklace? But you can't count on the cooperation of animals; so I'll just put that idea out in the universe and see what the universe gives me back.
I see the bright lighting very clearly in my head. I want to see everything very clearly, very little shadow. I usually don't envision lighting in my head. I feel it when I get to the studio. No kidding. It's kinda zen. But I can almost see this image in my head. White background, orange necklace, super cool LiiLii and bunny lit evenly and perhaps a bit too brightly. Then I wonder if an orange background would be too much. I love a color theme, but I know I take it too far sometimes. I run that around in my head a bit, white seems to be winning.
While I am making the necklace, I start thinking about her hair color. It's black now. Then I remember that I have an orange wig and an orange hat. Orange carrots, orange wig - might be cool. Luckily I have a studio full of crap to pull from. I say luckily, but I collect crap on purpose. It all sits in the back of my head waiting for the right moment to pull it out. I reuse and repurpose a lot of my stuff. I truly believe my inspiration lies in a lot of that crap.
As an aside, I get my jewelry making bug from my Mom. She used to make tons of beaded jewelry so I get tons of supplies and inspiration from her.
So there you have it, my convoluted process of coming up with a shoot idea. Most of the time I'm lucky that the other team members involved will play along with me and take my ideas to the next level. I'm often surprised they don't stare at me and say, "What the heck?"