Sunday, November 27, 2011

Photo Shoot with My Niece

For a bit a fun, I planned a makeover and photo shoot day with my niece. She's totally cute and we had fun at the salon and then at the studio. It took all day, but it was worth it. Soon, she'll be too old to hang out with her old aunt, so I'm glad we were able to do it now.

I picked out the fake hair, she picked out the eyelashes.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Anything is Art

I dropped an egg on my floor tonight and I immediately ran for my camera. My blue floor with the white shell and yellow yolk really looked cool.

These images remind me of the solar system. It must be the blue floor and the dirt specs that look like stars. My flash is placed leaning down on the floor so only the tiny amount is getting out. It gives the egg white a cool plastic sheen and give the yolk under the egg shell a nice orange glow.

I'm off to clean the floor. Apparently it was pretty dirty before the egg fell on it!