I am going to start taking a different kind of portrait. One that's more natural. This is me with the tiniest amount of makeup thrown on. All my wrinkles and spots are there, every single one. And when you look at this portrait large, I swear you can see small families living in my pores.
But it's me. It's what I look like almost every day. I have some crazy furrowed brow, my lips are downturned making me look pissed off all the time, my eyebrows go every which way, and I have speckled eyes that stare intently trying to figure it all out.
I spend so much time editing out the "flaws" of everybody when I take portraits that I make them unreal. It's the fairy tale version of people. And right now, I'm tired of the fairy tale. I want to see the reality. I want the reality to be good enough - better than good enough, perfect as is.