The beach gave me condensation problems. Hot and humid outside, cold and air conditioned inside. That's always a nightmare for camera equipment. I totally forgot that it happens down south.
Here's the sunset shots on the beach (not much of a sunset — too many clouds). It was so windy which was nice. We started with six balloons and ended with four. Two of them just blew right off the string.
Here's a sample of how bad the condensation is.
The next morning we shot in the marsh. No humidity issues on this morning. I only processed one shot because I love it so much that all others from that day pale in comparison.
It's one of those pictures that you love the minute you take it. I knew I had it. It's interesting to note that we are on the main road to Kiawah in this shot. If cars went by, you would see them in the picture, so we had to time her head flip to the sound of cars coming. I also was eaten alive as I was standing down in the swampy marsh. Those bites lasted for weeks. WORTH IT!