I am so excited. I've been shooting for a little over three years now and it's been mostly just learning. Well, I think my brain may have actually learned something.
I needed to created these images for an ad for work. I was given a sample image and magically I created the lighting. I knew exactly in my head before I got to the studio where I wanted all the lights. And once I set them up, I barely moved them at all.
I know it doesn't sound amazing, but to me it is. I don't have a photographic memory. I don't see pictures in my head. I don't really "see" anything, my brain is full of words and ideas. Very rarely do I have an exact image in my head of what I want to create, it's an idea of an image. It's hard to explain. But it is the reason I love photography, because it puts my ideas into a concrete reality.
This time, I saw the picture and I envisioned the lighting. Ah, success. All the years have not been for naught. I am actually learning something. I can see the light!