I guess the white on white series was a way to explore the gray that is my world, but in a positive way. And since digital black and white always feels kinda fake to me, it was a strange challenge for me. And definitely doing all white images in black and white was a tonal challenge for sure. I'm not sure I always got it right, but it was fun trying. I enjoyed it so much I completed 26 shots in 8 days.
My favorite shot is this one:
Because, it's a self portrait of sorts. I'm wearing those men's underwear, inside out (at the time that was unbeknownst to me). And I even added a bulge for some reality. I have never felt so goofy, but I just couldn't NOT do it.
All of the shots were taken with one light and a lot of white paper used for fill light.
Lighting wise this is my favorite:
First, it took forever to find an all white toothbrush (Whole Foods to the rescue and I was only there because of a fluke). Second, that is taken in my bathroom with the toothbrush on the lid of my toilet. That doesn't sound amazing until you realize my bathroom is 5x8. I barely fit in there, much less me, a light, and a tripod. I'm surprised nothing caught on fire. And now that I think about it, I could have taken the lid off that darn toilet and put it somewhere bigger! But how authentic would that be? It's just one brolly box pointed straight down at the toothbrush. Well, as straight down as it could be before hitting all the walls!
And what's odd is, while I really like that picture, I think it has more to do with the design of the toothbrush then my skills as a photographer.