Saturday, October 30, 2010

Caught in the Act: New Series

Caught in the Act is my new series that I'm shooting, all based around a pink briefcase. I want it to be an action-oriented series that asks the question, what's in that pink briefcase?

I'm debating whether I'm in over my head on this series. My last series, The Lonely Road, was very personal to me so it was easy to do. This series is way out of my league as I know very little about mystery and intrigue besides what I see on TV. But I wanted to push myself to shoot outside my comfort zone. And it does that both stylistically and technically. I'm trying not to be so composed in my images, creating more of a snapshot feel, and I'm using on-camera flash with no modifier! Talk about a challenge.

People seem really interested in shooting this series. I have had a good response to my casting call. Too good really. I'm running out of ideas to shoot since the underworld is not my world!

Here are my first two shots.

I thank the models who are willing to go along with my crazy ideas. I couldn't do it without them.

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