Thursday, August 11, 2011

Behind the Scenes Video Shoot

I did a little behind the scenes shooting at a video filming. I'm not sure I'm any good at it. It was all outside at night. I had to crank my ISO up to 6400 just to get anything. And many of the shots are blurry! Thank heavens that I did this for trade, because I would have to return any money I took for this.

I managed to get this shot out of it, which I love.

It has a unsettling feeling to it. I feel angst looking at this shot. I think it's partly due to the fact that the eye wants to rest on the blank wall, but there's nothing there and you have to go looking for the subject of the image. And what is the subject, the disappearing lady or the blow up doll? This image just asks more questions then it answers. I like that.

While I'm a self-proclaimed prop master, I never would have thrown all those props together! So I'm glad I did this shoot. It challenged me.

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