Monday, September 2, 2013

Field of Sunflowers: Kennedy at McKee Beshers

My only shoot in the last five months was in a field of sunflowers. It was a fun shoot even though it was hot and muggy and there was no sun in the sky. While everybody says that overcast is the way to shoot, I disagree. I like the sun and the blue sky and clouds. I can blow out the hard shadows with unnatural light. I'd rather do that, then have to add in sun and sky in post. But you make due with what mother nature gives you when you want to shoot outside.

Here is Kennedy at McKee Beshers in Poolesville, MD. Go there in July and shoot to your hearts content. They don't mind and you'll meet many other photographers there. Be advise to download the map of the fields first. The first year I went there, I completely missed them. I must have walk for an hour in the wrong direction. This field was not the popular field. I went an hour early to walk all the fields and see which one was the best. Since it was the second week of bloom, the flowers were starting to fade. This field was not fading as much; however, it had no parking and was trickier to get to. We trudged through mud, fought off bees, and sweat in very unladylike manners, but it was worth it.

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