Sunday, October 6, 2013

30 Days with the Fuji x100s: Day 4

Today sucked. My cat injured her tail bone. It's possible she was hit by a car. I spent all day at the emergency vet.

I learned that the camera has internal storage. Since my camera didn't have a card in it, I used that to get this shot waiting to go home.

Then the battery died. I go through two batteries a day. And I don't take that many pictures. I didn't pack before I took her to the vet, so no extra battery. All I did was grab my purse on the way out the door which had the camera in it.

Not much to report on the camera, it wasn't my main focus today. The cat, well, she's hiding under the bed and I'm sure she won't come out for her pain meds and I'm not going under there to get her. I've never heard a cat cry the way she did when I went to pick her up to take her to the vet. Without the towel that I wrapped her in, I would have been in shreds. It's amazing how something can hate you so much when all you are trying to do is help.

Fun day.

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