Sunday, June 5, 2011


I just love this image. It's not my style at all, but I can't stop looking at it. First, it's has very soft highlights. Second, it's sepia. Third, it has no punch upon first glance, but the punch is there, it's just subtle. And nobody has ever accused me of being soft or subtle.

Sal actually picked to shoot in that fur. I bought it 5 years ago and spent what I consider big money on it ($26 at a thrift store). I've shot it many times, but have never gotten a good picture out of it. Mainly because it has 1980s style shoulder pads that make everybody look like a huge Yeti in the thing. But not Sal, he really knew what to do with it.

It's shot with two lights, one high up to his right with a medium size softbox, and a fill light almost directly to his left - same medium size softbox. If I were to reshoot it, I would probably increase the light to his left a bit (that would reduce some of the noise, which I don't really mind in this particular image).

Sadly, we did four different sets, and I don't want to edit any of them because this picture says it all for me. None of the others will compare to this one. This one feels like art.

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