Friday, June 17, 2011

Oh So Shiny Ring Flash

I don't shoot with my ring flash often. Mostly because the sucker is heavy and I like to shoot in portrait mode. I can only put it on a stand in landscape mode. I should probably buy some adaptor that would allow me to use a stand with it but I don't. So I only drag it out when I'm feeling especially strong and frisky. I used the Paul Buff Zeus RingMaster with the 30" moon unit attached.

I like this shot. It's blue and shiny. I collect material to use as backgrounds and this blue one has been sitting in that bucket for years. I've used the gold lamé many times (not too many are memorable, but I did try!) and I bought the blue at the same time, but I haven't had a use for it UNTIL I found that magical blue sequin hat. Ah, I love it when props come together. It makes all the clutter worthwhile!

Thanks to Andy for wearing my funky clothes and allowing me to play with my ring flash. The lighting is perfect with his pale skin.

(It seems to be the month of the bare-chested dudes. I guess we all go through phases.)

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